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classic purple


color flavors


toxic flavors


Company Summary

This is a summery of the company and how it functions. Buguga is a combination of drinks. There are two options, you buy a whole bottle by requesting it in the contact page for a price decided once the bottle is requested-or you buy a cup for the market price of 3$, the cup means you get about a sip amount of every Buguga poured that wasn’t purchased for personal use by one person.

Please see the whole website if you want to know everything about the Buguga and its culture.

More about
our brand

Buguga is a well known soft drink mixing company dedicated to the concocting of new flavors of soda and drinks. We use commercial mainstream sodas to make a secret potion. It all began September 10th, 2024 when a young student came up with the name of a mixture of sprite and secret sodas to make the original Purple Buguga, which is the standard Buguga.

This company runs spontaneously, so we don’t make any promises. Requests are allowed, for money of course.

To purchase any, look at our menu and contact us through the email on the site.